This is posted by none-other-than Haili herself:
The bird got stuck in there through the chimney
and then got stuck in that pipe.

We had an experience that we would never forget. We heard a noise coming from our downstairs. It turned out that it was chirping and scratching. We knew it was a bird and hoped it would find a way out before it died and started to stink up our downstairs. After the first day we found it sitting on one of the pillows in our downstairs. Lulu our dog came down and started barking which scared the bird and it wedged it self between the pipe and stayed there for a while. We tried to call anyone to help but no one could help. Our neighbor came but still know one could get it.We had to run out and deliver a few things and when we got back the bird was out. I was chasing it all around our basement and finally caught it in the hall. We were afraid at first because it was flapping it's wings and chirping but we still caught it. I'm in the picture above and a hero for the day.
When we finally caught it we let it outside and it was fine. It wasn'thurt at all.
My brave little Haili Boo! Even I was scared of that bird...it had this LONG beak and flapped so loud and fast! She did such a good job!
I only have 1 question for you Haili...I didn't know llamas and birds got along?
Nice work Haili Boo!!! I always knew you could charm birds...and llamas!
Great job Haili Boo!!! You are so much like your Grandma...a real animal lover. I'm sure the bird would thank you if he could! Nice job, now I know who to call when I need a bird catcher.
Haili is absolutely gorgeous! It was sureal to see your note on my blog and then visit yours. I hope all is well with you and your family. So good to hear from you.
Good work lama!
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