Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Survivor VS. Hannah Montana

All 25 Kids..almost

So...it was our little Haili Boosies 11th Birthday this past week and let me tell you what an exciting week she had: First of all she was able to have a party this year. She was making the list of friends to invite when Leo popped his head in and told her to invite the
soccer team (he coaches) so we had about 25 kids instead of 10. She was going to invite some of them, but not all 15!

Lulu with her "tree mail"

Then she tossed the idea around for awhile what kind of "theme" she wanted to have. After going back and forth and because our family LOVES Survivor, she decided on this as her theme. Once all the kids arrived we divided them into 3 tribes. We sent them to special "islands" in the house for them to converse with their team. Then Lulu would go to each tribe and give them clues for the challenges. It turned out SO cute!

The winning team showing their tongues

The first challenge was an eating contest. 3 members of each tribe had to eat an ice cream sundae with diced hotdogs, pickles and salsa to win.

"Where the heck is the dog treat you guys? I know we had it!"

The second challenge was a scavenger hunt around the neighborhood...don't we all love those? I made sure there were all kinds of weird, random items so the hunt would take up a lot of time since the party was 4 hours long...yes, 4 hours!
All 3 tribes arrived back within seconds of each other and when I was crossing off items from Tribe #1's list, one of their things mysteriously disappeared. So, I told them they didn't have everything.. They were all mad as heck and then realized that the item they were missing was a dog treat and off to the side of the group on the grass was Lulu smacking and licking her lips. It was hilarious...the dog was eating their stuff!

Balancing Challenge

The last challenge was a physical challenge balancing on their legs as a team. As you can only imagine a game with this many girls, there was bound to be some crying. So, insteading of hearing 25 girls cry, we manuevered a 3-way tie. So, we had some tie breaking questions. It was a blast!

Okay...so that was the party. Probably even MORE exciting for Haili was the present Tia Sandra gave her the day before...Hannah Montana tickets. Not just Hannah Montana tickets, but tickets in a suite, and not just any suite, the suite sitting right smack dab in front of the stage. So off Haili went to the concert with her cousin Paula. They had so much fun! It was really cute to see how excited they were as we were driving down to the Delta Center (I know it's named something else now, but I still think of it as the Delta Center). As Leo ran the girls in I sat in the car waiting and watching all the moms walking in with their cute little girls all decked out...it made me want to go see the concert myself. And as my kids know, I DO know every flippin Hannah Montana song by heart...not by choice but because Radio Disney is all that my kids allow me to listen to in the car. In fact, I hate to admit this, but I even listen to it when they aren't with me.

Paula & Haili at the concert

So, once again, Haili had a fabulous birthday. But not just any fabulous birthday, she had the best birthday in 11 years!

Happy Birthday Haili Boo...we love you so much and are so happy you are our Llama!

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Okay...this is for elder sister Laurel...I usually don't answer these type of things because I never know what to say. So, I'll fill it out, but I do have to add some comments to each.

4 Jobs That I've Had

Dan's Bakery..
I would purposely drop donuts so that me and my friends could eat them because they weren't "Customer Worthy" at that point.

Italian Courtyard Waitress...
Me and my BFF wanted the night off..and our chubby boss said we could ONLY if we brought him some dessert. So, Barb had just made some of her famous Pumpkin Bake, so we went home, grabbed a piece and had my dog lick it and drool on it. Then, we added Cool Whip on top. He said that was the best pumpkin pie he'd ever had. Did I mention we didn't like him? I'll tell you some day how we locked him in the big freezer for an hour.

4 Places That I Lived

Sandy, Utah
Downtown SLC
Back to Sandy, Utah
Settled in South Jordan, Utah

4 Favorite Foods

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
Cheese Enchiladas

(And I wonder how I can't seem to lose weight?)

4 Favorite Music Artists

Matchbox 20
The Killers
But my absolute favorite is Bon Jovi...I'll always be a Stoner at heart

4 Places I'd Rather Be


4 Favorite Movies/TV Shows

50 First Dates
The Biggest Loser
The Office

4 Favorite Books

I couldn't even tell you..I never have time to read. At this point in my life out of the books I DO read, it would be:

Arthur & DW Get A New Baby Sister
Baby Animals
The Goblin's Did It
Fun At The Park

So, I will go ahead and "TAG" my long lost friends that I haven't seen forever:
Christy in Cali and Emily Osborne AND Barbie from Sandy!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Wonderful Weekend With...

The Kiddies!

The kids and I had a fun filled, movie-watching, witches-sightseeing, pizza-eating, soccer- playing, Settlers-playing, little-kids-peuking-and-cleaning-up-kind-of-weekend. It was the BEST!

Leo went out of town on a little Guys trip of his own to Vegas for the BYU game and some golfing....leaving me with a half a dozen kiddos to entertain by myself for 5 days. Steph and Liz got out of school on Wednesday and still wanted to spend their LOOONG weekend with us even though Dad would be gone...aren't they the best girls? I love them so much!

Gardner Village

Anyway...we started off the weekend festivities by going to Gardner Village for their annual Witches Fest. If you haven't gone...you really need to. Although I would suggest going on a weekday and early. Don't wait until a Friday when school gets out like we did...it was a MAD HOUSE with kids screaming at their mom's because they were sick of getting pictures taken by each of the 230 witches in the whole village. I was only able to snap a couple of pics because Mason wasn't cooperating...

Brandon and Haili

The whole family...minus Leo

We had a great time and stopped at the little bakery there and ate some fun Halloween treats.
Once we got home we watched "50 First Dates" (edited by me, ofcourse)...if you haven't seen this classic Adam Sandler/Drew Barrymore movie...you need to. It is hilarious and super sweet. Once we got the baby to bed we pulled out the good ol'e Settlers game...Leo is going to be so proud of his girls...all 3 of them learned how to play! I can tell we are going to have many long, long nights ahead playing this game with them (minus the Tuna's...sorry, but Leo has forbidden to ever play this game again with Ryan...Rachie is still welcome to play with us.)

Playing Settlers

The next day we started the day off with Brandon telling me his stomach hurt...I figured it was just a little ache...so, off to the gym I went and left the kids with the Twins. While I was gone for just an hour, Brandon managed to throw up throughout the entire upstairs and Steph and Liz came to the rescue...again. They were so sweet...they cleaned up the entire peuk and gave B a bath...what great sisters!

Later that afternoon we headed off to Haili's soccer game minus Mason...Michael offered to sacrifice and stay with him since it was cold/raining. Oh...I forgot to mention, Michael has a girlfriend...Shatara. Apparently she asked him to "go out with her" on Friday. So I mentioned that Michael "sacrificed" to stay with Mason...and he did, because Shatara scored the tiebreaking goal against an undefeated team. I think she was assuming Michael was there watching her and was stepping up her game for him. ANYWAY...Haili got sick half way through the game and almost "T'd Up" (threw up).... that's what the kids refer to as these days. So, we left during half time, took Haili Booshie home and she rested for the rest of the night.

And then to wrap up the evening, me and the girls watched Pearl Harbor and cried our eyes out! It took us 4 hours to get through the entrie movie...we were having technical issues, but we learned the theme song by heart! After the movie we debated if it was right for Evelyn to move on so soon AND to move on so soon with her not-so-dead-lover's-best-friend. I totally think it was wrong of her...but that could be because I have a soft spot for Ben Affleck.

To sum things up I think we had an awesome weekend! I am so grateful for all my kids and I love each one of them so much!