Friday, October 31, 2008

We love our Twinners!

Liz & Steph

Well, it has been a busy week in the Gonzo house!

This past week we have had the opportunity to move our Twinners up to our house here in South Jordan. It has been an experience mixed with many emotions, but one that we are so thankful and grateful for.

Steph and Liz will be starting Bingham High School on Monday and have spent the week moving things, rearranging their room, watching movies, shopping, reading, reading and more reading.

We took them to get registered for school and the Counselor told them not to worry about going to school this week, it was the end of the they got the week off! How often does that happen?

I think they are a little bit nervous, but I dropped them off for lunch yesterday and a couple of their friends showed them around. They even went to Mr. Jensen's math class and took a test. Does it help that Mr. Jensen is a really good friend of ours from the Ward? Heck yes it does...he personally picked out all their teachers to make sure that they would be taken care of.

All I'm going to say is, watch out for the Gonzo Girls....they are going to be the cutest things to set foot into Bingham since it has been around...and that has been 100 years!

We love you Steph and Lizzy.

We are so thankful to be your parents and to have you living with us!

Brace Face & Metal Mouth

Mikey & Dr. G

Mother/Son moment

Metal Mouth

Haili Boo

Brace Face

So...Michael and Haili got braces this week! They were SO funny about it. We gave them the option to get clear brackets on top, but NOPE they wanted the super duper, bright & shiny SILVER! I can't blame them...I remember as a kid making retainers by straightening out big paperclips. I would wear them all day, and they would tear up my mouth. But it was all worth it. Or there were the times I would suck on a Jolly Rancher so it would form to the roof of my mouth like a retainer...if I could pull that off with the paper clip attached, then I was good to go.

Back to the story....they wanted SILVER because they wanted to be sure that everyone noticed that they had braces...which I fully understood given my past history with braces and retainer making.

Before we went to the Ortho (Dr. Ghiz) Michael said a prayer and prayed that him or Haili wouldn't cry during the procedure. It was so cute...and NO neither one of them cried. Although, Michael did have to hold my hand a couple of times when Dr. Ghiz was putting on the back brackets. It took nearly 1 1/2 hours to put Mikey's on and about 45 for Haili's. I told Dr. Ghiz that this is going to be a LONG 2 years for him, so I hope he is prepared to get to know Mikey really well.

After we were done, Michael had this conversation with me in the car:

M: Mom, is this Dr. Ghiz's number? (on the card)

A: Yes, why?

M: I'd like to keep it, just in case I have any questions, then I can call him directly.

A: Mikey, if you have any questions, just ask me. I've had braces...and if I can't answer your question, I'll call him. (Heck, I used to make them! And when Ryan had braces and his wires & brackets came off, he would make me fix them!)

M: No, that's okay...I'll call him.

P.S. Steph & Liz get their braces in 2 weeks! I'm looking for 2 more names I can call them since Brace Face & Metal Mouth are taken...any ideas?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Baby or Big Boy?

This baby boy loves his crib, blankets, binkies and cuddling. And I love them just as much as he does because he is my baby...the last of our litter, the caboose and end of our choo-choo train. If there was a shot out there to stunt his growth and keep him little, I would be the 1st in line for it.

I love my Mason!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

End of Summer Pics

Our cute little Rosie...we love you and will never forget you. Watch over us from heaven our little hopping bunny-doggie!

Cousins chilling in the jeep

Chuck & Rosie sippin their juice

Lulu and her puppies

Gonzo's at Homestead

Cousins swimming

Punking John on the phone! I haven't laughed that hard in YEARS!

Haili, Rosie & Emmett

Cousins at Homestead

Rosie, Chuck & Ethan Pethan


Leo being Surpirsed

Thursday, October 2, 2008

1st Annual Aces of Spades Road Trip

So, the "Aces of Spades" set out on their 1st Annual Wild Hog Reunion a couple weeks back. The journey was a 10 hour ride down to Mesquite (back roads ofcourse)...and a weekend full of eating, riding and whatever 4 grown men do when they are all together in one, tiny, little hotel room.

The Group members are: Leo Gonzalez, Corey Naegle, Dave Patterson & their notorious leader, Mike Bloxham who made them all skull t-shirts and a Aces of Spades cd full of heavy metal to listen to on their ride.

Aces of Spades
Posing at one of their many stops

Corey & Leo

An appropriate picture in front of the Manti Temple

I just threw this cute one in of Leo coaching Haili's game