So WE (Leo & I) had an agreement this year....he would: Go to 3 Jazz games in 1 week, Give my seat away to his BFF's for all 3 games, Be out late after the games, Pull money from the "Budget" to eat out for each game, And then go out to breakfast with his BFF's after the games
He would spend ALL day with us on Saturday doing whatever we wanted to do (including coloring eggs)....ALL with a smile on his face and without rolling his eyes. Who do you think made good on their agreement? Why yes, you are correct....Amber did....well, I really didn't have anything on my end to agree...I was just trying to be a nice wife and let him have some fun.
Leo tried hard to follow through on his end, but only made it about 15 minutes (in the car) without rolling his eyes and mumbling some unspoken words in Spanish under his breath (he couldn't find a parking spot at Gardner Village) AND he still got to cash in his winnings.
The Plan: So we (the kids and I) wanted to go to Gardner Village's petting farm. But, it happened to be closed...on a Saturday? So, instead we went to the YUMMY Bakery and scarffed down some cinammon rolls. Then we ate lunch at The Pie...yes, we had dessert first...we always do, that is how we keep our cute figures! It was warm enough at The Pie to eat outside and the boys had a blast running around by the huge water fountain.
After that we went home to color Easter eggs. This would be the 1st year Leo has officiated/participated with this annual task with the kiddies. That is mainly why I am blogging this event...so I can document the exact year that he finally came around. He really did a great job with the kids
We have church at 9am, and it is already hard for us to get 6 kids plus ourselves ready and be there to get a seat by 9am. With that said, the Easter Bunny called Mommy to tell her that he would be stopping by while we were at church.
I came home just a little bit before noon to set up the Easter Egg Hunt on the front lawn and set the kids baskets out.
Brandon was tearing himself from his carseat as Leo pulled into the driveway after church. He saw that the Easter Bunny came and "popped around" (the term he likes to use) and left some chalk and bubbles for Brandon & Mason.
Brandon also asked me a great question....is the Easter Bunny a Boy or a Girl? Hmmm....I told him to go ask the Twins because I wasn't sure. They told him that the Easter Bunny was definitely a boy. I've always thought that, but I bought a cute lifesize Bunny figure for the porch, and it is a Girl...so I was a little confused.
Anyway, we had a great Easter again this year and enjoyed having all 6 of our kids with us to celebrate this fun Holiday!
Oh yeah, after much discussion with the kids, Leo FINALLY agreed to let us get a bunny!
Rosie the Rabbit